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Livestock Health & Services


Shearers – See list below

Livestock Vets


Cull & Dead Animal Removal

On-farm Composting of Large Animals – Free Book

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Local Shearing Services

NameBusinessService AreaWebsitePhoneAnimals
Michael EstesEstes ShearingWashingtonestesshearing.com541-788-4682Sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas
Becca & MikeBuzz Clip ShearingSkagit, Kitsap, King, Snohomish, Thurston, Island, Pierce Counties, goats, llamas, alpacas
Carlin BrinerSilverwell Farm (360) 464-3839
Lindsey SpoorStilly River (360) 631-5801
Kevin DunhamDunham Farm ServicesWhidbey Island, WA
Shearie McShearie’s Shearing ServiceSeattle, Sedro-Woolley, Tenino, Olympia
Bopeep’s Naked Sheep Shearing Service
Bruce MacleanOak Harbor, WAsouthwhidbeyspinners.wordpress.com360-632-4475
Bryce & Linda SchuldtClover Valley Alpacas, LLCOak Harbor, WAsouthwhidbeyspinners.wordpress.com360-279-2382
Constance WisemanGreenbank, WA360-331-7106Shearing sheep, alpacas, llamas, and goats
Mystical Moments Fiber Mill & ShearingOrting, WA
Bruce MacleanOak Harbor, WA360-632-4475
Bryce & Linda SchuldtOak Harbor, WA360-279-2382
Gary & Pamela UhligLangley, WA360-321-5772
Tim SorgShelton, WA360-427-6813
Michele MorrisseyLummi Island, WA360-201-4765
Ronald McguffinEllensburg, WA509-925-3362Lambs & Alpacas
Gerald (Jerry) MaurerKingston, WA360-598-4794
Nicholas PopoffConcrete, WA206-972-7630
Christy LongChristy’s Crazy CrittersBow, WA360-766-5021
Don BurtFriday Harbor, WA360-378-8250
Rodney BurtLopez lsland, WA360-468-2835
Treauna CuthvertsonLynden, WA360- 354-4804
Tom FloraRenton, WA425-271-5643
Carol GarneauMoses Lake, WA509-766-9008
Jason HaroldOlympia, WA360-456-3897
Zack HerbertLynden, WA360-354-4804
Brian HopeEdgewood, WA253-863-1116
Francisco JimenezRainer, WA360-446-7223
Austin JohnsonEverett, WA206-280-8221
Leo LambertSnohomish, WA360-568-2488
Marie LambertSnohomish, WA360-568-2488
Rebekka MantegnaMcKenna, WA360-458-2441
Jerry MaurerPoulsbo, WA360-598-4794
Ron McGuffinEllensburg, WA509-925-3362
Ben PesickaKent, WA206-824-1403
Zack PesickaKent, WA206-824-1403
DeAnna PierickEnumclaw, WA253-261-0072
Nicholas PopoffConcrete, WA206-972-7630
Tim ReillyArlington, wA360-652-0386
Bryce Schult  Oak Harbor, WA360-279-2382 
Tim Smith  Benton City, WA509-366-2221
Fawn Suarez Winlock, WA360-785-8611
Nancy TrautenbergEnumclaw, WA360-802-3052
Chris WenzTacoma, WA360-608-1093